Inspiration for Bank and Insurance

Stand out with sustainable and memorable marketing solutions! From seed packets for banks to fully customized flyers and envelopes for insurance companies, our eco-friendly products help deliver your message in a unique way. Whether it's flower or vegetable seeds, your customers can grow something beautiful while remembering your brand’s commitment to the environment.

Seed packets as an effective messenger for the bank

One of our bank clients wanted to send a green message to their customers in connection with the release of an annual report. Together, we found a solution where we created a seed packet with the bank's message, containing flower seeds. This campaign became a great success.

Flyer and envelope made from seed paper with the insurance company’s message printed on it

In collaboration with a large European insurance company, we developed a package consisting of one flyer made from seed paper with full-color printing of the message, wrapped in an A5 envelope also made from seed paper. The seeds in the flyers were carrots, and the seeds in the envelope were beautiful forget-me-not flowers.

Special: We can add running, codes or random numbers on flyers.

Auroravej 6C 3.
DK - 2610 Rodovre (Copenhagen)
VAT no. 34204314

+45 5350 5599

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